Our History

For more than 35 years, Professional Speakers Australia has gathered, up-skilled and represented Australia’s leading professional speakers. What started as two small groups meeting over drinks at the local pub has grown into a nation-wide, thriving and vibrant community.

Inspired by the National Speakers Association in the USA, the founding members were eager to see a similar body developed in Australia that would benefit members individually, as well as help to advance the wider speaking industry.

1986 – The NSW Chapter, convened by John Nevin and the Victoria Chapter, convened by Gary Glenn, were both formed at meetings in October 1986, and formally commenced in January 1987.

1987 – The Queensland Chapter commenced in 1987. After a brief recess it recommenced in 1993.

1993 – The ACT Chapter is launched, co-founded by Ann Villiers and Kerry Nairn with support from the NSW Chapter.

1994 – The South Australian Chapter commenced under the leadership of David Griggs PM, with the zeal of Robyn Henderson CSP as driver and supporter. In the same year, also with Robyn’s support the West Australian Chapter launched under the leadership of David Julian Price (CSP)

2015 – The association changed its name from National Speakers Association of Australia to Professional Speakers Australia.

Life Members

  • John Nevin (dec.)
  • Joan Saxton (dec.)
  • Doug Malouf CSP (dec.)
  • Walter Dickman CSP (dec.)
  • Lisa McInnes-Smith CSP CPAE
  • Winston Marsh CSP
  • Catherine Palin-Brinkworth CSP
  • David Griggs
  • David Julian Price CSP
  • Lindsay Adams CSP
  • Allan Pease CSP
  • Glenn Capelli CSP
  • Amanda Gore CSP CPAE Global Speaking Fellow
  • Ian Stephens CSP

National Presidents

  • 2024 Gary Edwards
  • 2023 Julie Garland McLellan
  • 2022 Neryl East
  • 2021 Jon Yeo
  • 2020 Tony Eades
  • 2019 Russell Pearson
  • 2018 Tarran Deane
  • 2017 Warwick Merry
  • 2016 Michael McQueen
  • 2014-15 Winston Marsh
  • 2013 Michael Neaylon
  • 2012 Margo Halbert
  • 2011 Tony Ryan
  • 2010 David Koutsoukis
  • 2009 Brad Tonini
  • 2008 Kevin Ryan
  • 2007 Rodney Marks
  • 2006 Lindsay Adams
  • 2005 Helen Macdonald
  • 2004 Charles Kovess
  • 2003 Ian Berry
  • 2002 Candy Tymson
  • 2000-01 Sarah Cornally
  • 1998-99 David Griggs
  • 1996-96 David Price
  • 1995 Max Hitchins
  • 1993-94 Catherine Palin-Brinkworth
  • 1991-92 Winston Marsh
  • 1989-90 Lisa McInnes-Smith
  • 1987-88 John Nevin

Find out more about nominating a Life Member
4 photos of speakers